Things That Can Damage Your Swimming Pool Tiling
A swimming pool at home is a
great thing for all the members of your home to stay fit, healthy and relaxed.
But the maintenance of a pool is similarly stressing for busy people. They
mostly learn the pool maintenance basics from the swimming pool tiling experts and forget about them just after
half-an-year. But, it can damage this property and soon you have to give a call
to those experts again.
For example, shocking your pool. It
is nothing but adding chlorine to your pool water which will add with the
floating particles and bacteria and so on. But, there is perfect some method
that you need to follow; but mostly people don’t have any idea about that. The
first thing you need to add 1pound of shock per 10000 gallon water. Another
thing is the time. Always add shock during the dusk as the sun ray damages the
active particles of the shock and your expense increases.
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